- November 18 - Secretary of State's Address Confidentiality Program Enrolls 100 Participants
- October 30 - Coffman Delivers Top Ten List for "What Voters Should Know"
- October 27 - Attorney General Opinion Supports Coffman
- October 24 - Coffman Removes Denver From State's Watch List
- October 21 - Coffman Unveils Daily Numbers at GoVoteColorado.com
- October 16 - Incomplete Forms Statement
- October 14 - Attorney General Opinion Supports Coffman
- October 9 - Coffman Responds to NY Times Article
- August 25 - Proposed ballot measure deemed Amendment 56 sufficient
- August 22 - Proposed ballot measure deemed Amendment 55 sufficient
- August 21 - Proposed ballot measure required line-by-line verification deemed inconclusive
- August 21 - Proposed ballot measure deemed Amendment 54 sufficient
- August 18 - Proposed ballot measure deemed Amendment 53 sufficient
- August 15 - Proposed ballot measure deemed Amendment 52 sufficient
- August 11 - State Sales Tax for Services for Developmental Disabilities initiative deemed sufficient
- August 8 - Limited Gaming initiative deemed sufficient
- July 24 - Proposed ballot measure deemed sufficient
- July 24 - Coffman removes Montrose County from state’s Watch List
- July 24 - Coffman removes Routt County from state’s Watch List
- May 29 - 'Definition of a Person' initiative designated Amend 48
- May 28 - Coffman considers SCORE Mock Election "a success"
- April 28 - Prohibition of Certain Conditions of Employment deemed sufficient
- April 17 - Public Demonstration Notice
- March 24 - Proposed ballot measure deemed sufficient
- March 19 - Statements from Coffman and the Clerks regarding withdrawal of support from SB-189
- March 10 - Secretary Coffman's Speakout Column
- March 4 - Coffman recertifies ES&S optical scanners
- February 28 - Coffman OK's more voting equipment for '08 Elections – HB1155 Hart Results
- February 27 - Assessment shows confidence in statewide voter registration system's deployment
- February 25 - Coffman announces initial results of HB08-1155 process
- February 12 - Coffman announces schedule for reconsideration of voting equipment
- January 23 - Coffman responds to the Governor’s press conference
- January 14 - Petition format approved for "Judicial Term Limits" RELEASE
- January 11 - Coffman dismisses Douglas County's application to abandon Sedalia ADVISORY