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Rules on Funding Application Process for the Clerk and Recorder Electronic Filing Technology Fund Advisory Panel

These rules apply to the Funding application process, standards, procedures, and guidelines for providing funding to County Clerk and Recorders for electronic recording implementation in the counties.

Section 1 - Document filings surcharge (Previously adopted)

Section 2 - Electronic recording technology Funding.

2.1 Rules Concerning the Preliminary Funding Application Process.

A preliminary letter briefly describing the amount of funds requested and the type of electronic recording system to be implemented should first be submitted to the Advisory Panel. This letter should be submitted in care of the Electronic Filing Technology Fund Advisory Panel at the Colorado Department of State at 1560 Broadway, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80202. The preliminary letter should be signed by the County Clerk and Recorder and should include a statement related to the priority of the project within the County Clerk and Recorder's office and the County's overall electronic recording plans. If the Advisory Panel feels it is appropriate for the County to submit a full proposal to the Panel, additional information will be requested.

2.2 Rules Concerning the Full Application Process.

(The panel may decide to create their own application form.)

The Common Grant Application is the acceptable type of application to be submitted. All submissions should include the following information:

a. The County Clerk and Recorder's financial statement, including a balance sheet, a year-end statement, and a statement of expenses for spending on equipment and implementation of electronic recording system.
b. An operating budget, showing projected revenues and expenses for the current fiscal year.
c. A concise description of the e-recording project for which funding is being requested. This should include the amount being requested from the Advisory Panel.
d. An accurate budget for the project including specific expenses.
e. Specifically describe the type of technology to be used for electronic recording in your county and how it will interface with current technology used in the county.

In addition, the application must be submitted on a form approved by the Advisory Panel.

a. Evaluation - Briefly describe the counties plan for evaluating progress of the implementation and success of electronic recording. Specifically who will be involved in evaluating the implementation of the system? How will the evaluation results be used to help advance the implementation of the new electronic recording system.
b. Staff Support - Briefly describe who will be involved in carrying out the plans outlined in this request? Include a paragraph summarizing the qualifications of key individuals involved.

The Advisory Panel will determine the deadlines for applications.

The County Clerk and Recorder's office should submit 7 complete copies of the proposals and attachments. E-mailed applications and proposals will be accepted. The Panel will not accept faxed applications due to readability problems.

The Advisory Panel will not accept lengthy proposals from vendors in lieu of the Funding application.

2.3 Timetable for Funding Responses.

A preliminary response will be made to any county submitting an application to let the applicant know the Advisory Panel has received their request. Applicants should allow up to three months before expecting a final decision from the Advisory Panel. Direct contact regarding the status of the application process should not be made with the Advisory Panel Member unless otherwise directed.

2.4 Resubmission of Funding Applications.

The Advisory Panel will accept resubmitted Funding applications.

2.5 Technology Best Practices.

The panel will more favorably consider proposals that use existing technology with a proven track record ahead of unproven technologies. In addition, the Advisory Panel will determine their decision based on the following qualifications:

a. Evidence of Quality
b. Accountability
c. Soundness of Design
d. Is the proposal thoughtfully conceived and carefully planned?
e. Does the County demonstrate sound fiscal and management capacity for the project?
f. Is it likely that the County will be able to meet its objectives?

If the proposal is determined to meet the Advisory Panels guidelines and satisfy the other evaluation criteria then the proposal will be set-aside with other qualified applications for review and final approval.

2.6 Conflicts of Interest Reviewing Applications by Advisory Panel Members.

Panel members reviewing applications from counties they represent must withdraw themselves from reviewing process in an effort to avoid conflicts of interest and possible higher rating for counties that are represented by the Advisory Panel.

2.7 The panel will more favorably consider proposals providing a proposed county match.

2.8 Notification of Funding Approval.

If the county's proposal is approved for funding, a letter will notify the county formally within two months after the Advisory Panel meeting at which the proposal was considered.