Gessler unveils bingo, raffle training online
Nonprofits see increased convenience
Denver, October 31, 2012 - Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler unveiled two new initiatives aimed at making it easier for Colorado nonprofits to raise funds through charitable gaming. Nonprofit games managers can now conduct their training and receive their certification online. Colorado nonprofits that run charitable gaming must have these trainings to become certified by the Secretary of State’s office. In turn, these entities fundraise using bingo, raffles and pull-tabs.
"The goal is to make training accessible to as many people as possible across the state," Gessler said. "Our nonprofits remain an important part of our economy and our sense of community. When they thrive, so does the rest of our state."
The online trainings certify individuals from the comfort of their own homes or offices and on their own schedule. These aspiring games managers must pass a quiz at the end of the training to test their knowledge.
"It was so much easier than going to a class," said Judy Murphy with the Velvet Hills Show Chorus in Colorado Springs.
The training supplements another new offering to improve customer relationships, whereby organizations can request in-person, one-on-one consultation meetings to complete their bingo-raffle applications. The effort aims to reduce the number of rejected filings with the program, saving customers time and increasing efficiency within the program.
The online course is already available, and games managers can be certified for only $1. Those looking to brush up on their games manager knowledge can take the course for free. Anybody can sign up for the course at The Secretary of State’s office will continue to offer in-person classes as well.