Buescher responds to ballot speculation questions
Denver, July 15, 2010 – In light of various questions and speculation related to the gubernatorial candidates running in the Republican primary, Secretary of State Bernie Buescher made the following statement:
“This week, my office has fielded numerous calls asking for answers to hypothetical questions related to whether a candidate may be replaced in a contested primary,” Buescher said. “At this point, no decision will be given to speculation that may impact a current and actual contest. Any conclusions reached by my office to these inquiries may potentially have an unintentional effect on an ongoing race.”
“If a scenario does occur with actual implications to the ballot, voters can rest assured my office will provide a timely and clear decision that follows Colorado’s constitutional and statutory provisions. Only after all individuals and organizations impacted by this decision have had an opportunity for reasonable input, will we issue an official position.”
“As of now, ballots are printed and the races are set for the primary election. Voters affiliated with the Democratic, Republican and Libertarian parties will begin to receive their mail ballots early next week with 46 of 64 counties voting exclusively by mail.”