Next Blue Ribbon Election Panel Meeting Set
Denver, February 10, 2005 - Secretary of State Donetta Davidson plans to meet with the Blue Ribbon Election Panel on Friday, February 11 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting will be located at 1625 Broadway, Suite 820, Denver, CO 80202. This is an open meeting and the press is invited to attend.
All meeting minutes, notices, and agendas are posted on the Secretary of State's website. Please visit the "Elections Center" located at Please click on the "Blue Ribbon Election Panel" link.
Secretary of State Donetta Davidson created the Blue Ribbon Election Panel to examine current legislation, election rules, and procedures. The Panel will meet almost weekly and discuss ways that current laws and rules could be changed to improve elections in Colorado.
Public comment will be accepted when time permits. Those wishing to speak must submit their topic or opinion in writing prior to the day of the meeting. Written comment may be submitted to the Panel by email by Thursday, February 10 at, or via first class mail at Office of the Secretary of State, Attention: Blue Ribbon Election Panel, 1560 Broadway, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80202. Comments may also be submitted via facsimile at (303) 869-4860. The Secretary of State will determine how much time a speaker may take depending on the number of individuals who wish to speak and the amount of material the Panel has to cover. Speakers will be called to speak according to the order on the sign-in sheet.