Secretary of State Appoints Members to the Blue Ribbon Election Panel
Denver, November 30, 2004 - Secretary of State Donetta Davidson has appointed a Blue Ribbon Election Panel to review election processes in Colorado. The Panel will examine current legislation, election rules, and procedures and make recommendations on how they could be changed to improve elections in Colorado.
The first meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 9 at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be located at 1560 Broadway, Suite 1075. This is an open meeting and the press is invited.
The Blue Ribbon Panel includes legislators from the senate and house, representatives of both major parties, county clerks from large and small counties, and the county clerk presently utilizing vote centers.
The Blue Ribbon Panel includes the following members:
- Donetta Davidson, Secretary of State, Chair
- Doug Lamborn, State Senate
- Ron Tupa, State Senate
- Terrance Carroll, House of Representatives
- Al White, House of Representatives
- Geoff Wilson, Colorado Municipal League
- Roger Keithley, Attorney
- Holly Lowder, Alamosa County Clerk and Recorder
- Scott Doyle, Larimer County Clerk and Recorder
- Wayne Vaden, Denver County Clerk and Recorder
- Trey Rogers, Democratic Party Attorney
- Mike Norton, Republican Party Attorney
- Don Quick, Adams County DA Elect
- John Newsome, El Paso County DA
The panel will convene in December and aim to finalize projects in February in order to provide legislative suggestions for this session.