2018 General Election Results - Judicial Retention

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County Judges - Jefferson

Susan Lori Fisch

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Yes No Total Turnout %
County Jefferson Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 187,490 No 60,983 Total 248,473 Turnout % 70.39%
County Total Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 187,490 No 60,983 Total 248,473 Turnout % 70.39%

Mark Marrow Randall

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Yes No Total Turnout %
County Jefferson Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 186,061 No 60,444 Total 246,505 Turnout % 70.39%
County Total Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 186,061 No 60,444 Total 246,505 Turnout % 70.39%

Ryan James Stuart

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Yes No Total Turnout %
County Jefferson Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 183,696 No 61,777 Total 245,473 Turnout % 70.39%
County Total Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 183,696 No 61,777 Total 245,473 Turnout % 70.39%

Thomas Vance

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Yes No Total Turnout %
County Jefferson Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 178,806 No 63,812 Total 242,618 Turnout % 70.39%
County Total Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 178,806 No 63,812 Total 242,618 Turnout % 70.39%

Jean Woodford

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Yes No Total Turnout %
County Jefferson Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 181,073 No 62,420 Total 243,493 Turnout % 70.39%
County Total Registered voters 441,628 Ballots cast 310,843 Yes 181,073 No 62,420 Total 243,493 Turnout % 70.39%