2012 General Election Results - Judicial Retention

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District Judges - 17th Judicial District

Chris Melonakis

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Yes No Total Turnout %
County Adams Registered voters 258,272 Ballots cast 177,945 Yes 97,393 No 43,703 Total 141,096 Turnout % 68.90%
County Broomfield Registered voters 42,897 Ballots cast 32,503 Yes 18,463 No 6,037 Total 24,500 Turnout % 75.77%
County Total Registered voters 301,169 Ballots cast 210,448 Yes 115,856 No 49,740 Total 165,596 Turnout % 69.88%

Edward Moss

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Yes No Total Turnout %
County Adams Registered voters 258,272 Ballots cast 177,945 Yes 95,093 No 43,388 Total 138,481 Turnout % 68.90%
County Broomfield Registered voters 42,897 Ballots cast 32,503 Yes 18,079 No 6,245 Total 24,324 Turnout % 75.77%
County Total Registered voters 301,169 Ballots cast 210,448 Yes 113,172 No 49,633 Total 162,805 Turnout % 69.88%