2012 General Election Results - Judicial Retention

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District Judges - 16th Judicial District

M. Jon Kolomitz

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Yes No Total Turnout %
County Bent Registered voters 2,827 Ballots cast 1,971 Yes 1,237 No 503 Total 1,740 Turnout % 69.72%
County Crowley Registered voters 2,220 Ballots cast 1,528 Yes 953 No 383 Total 1,336 Turnout % 68.83%
County Otero Registered voters 12,410 Ballots cast 8,310 Yes 5,838 No 1,734 Total 7,572 Turnout % 66.96%
County Total Registered voters 17,457 Ballots cast 11,809 Yes 8,028 No 2,620 Total 10,648 Turnout % 67.65%