2012 General Election Results - Judicial Retention

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District Judges - 15th Judicial District

P. Douglas Tallman

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Yes No Total Turnout %
County Baca Registered voters 2,963 Ballots cast 2,139 Yes 1,081 No 572 Total 1,653 Turnout % 72.19%
County Cheyenne Registered voters 1,468 Ballots cast 1,112 Yes 705 No 300 Total 1,005 Turnout % 75.75%
County Kiowa Registered voters 1,073 Ballots cast 840 Yes 528 No 196 Total 724 Turnout % 78.29%
County Prowers Registered voters 7,334 Ballots cast 4,940 Yes 3,072 No 1,262 Total 4,334 Turnout % 67.36%
County Total Registered voters 12,838 Ballots cast 9,031 Yes 5,386 No 2,330 Total 7,716 Turnout % 70.35%