Help America Vote Subcommittee Objectives
Poll workers
- Outreach to student
- Recruitment of judges in high schools and colleges
- Training manuals and materials
- Students
- Election judges
- Format of training materials
- Ad council / literacy council advisory
Voters / public / media
- Outreach to public
- Outreach to voters
- Outreach to media
- Use of media-multiple formats
- Print
- Broadcast
- Internet
County clerk / election staff
- How often to train
- Accredited for hours
- Format of training
- Training materials
- Consistency of training
- Teaching old dogs new tricks
Complaint review
- Setting up submission process
- Setting up review process
- Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
- Forms
- Manuals
- Resolution process
- Within HAVA timelines
- Rules
- Define public record
Military / overseas
- Effective communication lines between armed forces and election officials
- State
- Local
- Address changes
- Education materials
- Use of media in process
- Registration absentee application
- Different methods of voting
- Blank ballot
- Fax
- Absentee
- Working with FVAP where possible
Accessibility and outreach
- Polling place
- Permanent
- Temporary
- Polling place accessibility survey
- Direct Record Electronic (DRE) for each polling location
- Multi state compact
- How to handle training & support for small counties
- Bi-lingual issues
- Training materials
- Communications
Computer/systems training
- Training of staff
- Clerical
- Technical
- Drivers license
- Social service
- Training materials/format
- Training on computer
- Needs analysis survey
Equipment needs assessment
- Survey and forms
- Space
- Type of equipment
- Branches
Equipment service
- Needs of state
- Survey of resources – in the field
- Local entities
- State venders
- Maintenance