Charities and Fundraisers FAQs

Filing notice schedule

We send reminders and other notices to help you remember to file renewals and reports on time.

Charitable organizations

Reminders and notices:

  • IRS due date reminder notice: 15 days before IRS due date
  • IRS due date: 4 1/2 months after fiscal year end
  • SOS expiration date reminder notice: 15 days before SOS due date
  • SOS expiration date: 7 1/2 months after fiscal year end
  • Expiration notice 1: One day after the SOS due date
  • Expiration notice 2: 10 days after SOS due date
  • Expiration notice 3: 18 days after expiration date

Reminder notices are emailed to the third-party preparer (if any) and the charity’s authorized officers. Expiration notices are emailed to the third-party preparer (if any) and the charity’s authorized officers, and sent by first-class mail to the address of record for the charity.

Paid solicitors and professional fundraising consultants

Reminders and notices:

  • Reminder notice: 15 days before expiration date
  • Expiration date: On anniversary
  • Expiration notice 1: One day after expiration date
  • Expiration notice 2: 10 days after expiration date

Reminder notices are emailed to the third-party preparer (if any) and the paid solicitor/professional fundraising consultant’s authorized officer.

Expiration notices are emailed to the third-party preparer (if any) and the paid solicitor/professional fundraising consultant’s authorized officer, and sent by first-class mail to the registrant’s address of record.

Campaign reports

Reminders and notices:

  • Courtesy reminder: 15 days before due date
  • Delinquent notice 1: One day after due date
  • Delinquent notice 2: 10 days after due date
  • Delinquent notice 3: 18 days after due date
  • Delinquent notice 4: 63 days after due date

Reminder notices are emailed to the third-party preparer (if any) and the paid solicitor/professional fundraising consultant’s authorized officers.

Expiration notices and/or suspension notices are emailed to the third-party preparer (if any) and the paid solicitor/professional fundraising consultant’s authorized officers, and sent by first-class mail to the registrant’s address of record.