Mandatory Online Filing of Statements of Change, Statements of Correction, and Dissolution of Delinquent Entity Coming Soon

The Secretary of State’s Office is in the process of testing the following documents for online filing:

  • Statement of Change Changing the Principal Office Address
  • Statement of Change Changing the Registered Agent Information
  • Statement of Change Regarding Resignation or Other Termination of Registered Agent
  • Statement of Correction Correcting the Principal Office Address
  • Statement of Correction Correcting the Registered Agent Information
  • Statement of Correction: Registered Agent Has Not Consented
  • Statement of Correction Correcting Information for Historical Purposes
  • Statement of Dissolution of Delinquent Entity

When these documents become available, online filing will be mandatory.

Once online filing becomes available for the statements referenced above, they will no longer be accepted on paper.

In addition to the mandatory online filings listed above, a Statement of Change and a Statement of Correction will be available to change or correct information other than the principal office address or registered agent information. These forms will not be available as online transactions.

For your convenience, computer terminals are available in our office that may be used to file documents. However, for security purposes, these computer terminals cannot be used if an attachment is to be included with an online filing. These computers are not equipped to permit the saving of documents on the computer as files may be corrupt or contain viruses without the user’s knowledge. A Statement of Correction Correcting Information for Historical Purposes must contain an attachment and, as a result, cannot be filed using the office’s computers.

Online filings with the Secretary of State's Office are processed through a secure server. For additional information regarding filing online, click here.

Published June 5, 2009 at 4:30 PM