Statements of Change Decrease to $10

Effective for Statements of Change and Statements of Change of Trademark Information of Record that are received and date/time stamped by the Business Division on and after August 16, 2005, the processing fee will be $10. This is a $115 reduction from the prior fees applicable to Statement of Change documents received on and after April 1, 2005 and on and before August 15, 2005. The fee reduction at this time is not part of a general reduction in fees. It also is not related to an online filing fee. The Statement of Change and Statement of Change of Trademark Information of Record forms are not yet Web enabled. In accordance with House Bill 02-1147, we are continuing our effort to deploy electronic delivery of these documents as soon as practicable. In keeping with past practice, when the documents are Web enabled there will be a differential between online processing fees and paper processing fees. Fees, and form/cover sheets, are subject to change. To review the most current information available, please visit our Web site frequently. Also, consider subscribing for news via our free email program. To subscribe, select “Sign up for auto e-mail notification” under the column BUSINESS INFORMATION.

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