Tax information
Q1. I just started a new business, when will you send me my tax information?
A1. Our office will not send you tax information, you need to contact other state agencies. Visit MyBizColorado to start your online registration with other Colorado state agencies.
Q2. Where do I get my federal employer tax ID ("EIN") number?
A2. The Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") issues Employer Identification Numbers ("EIN"’s). Information is available on the IRS website " Employer ID Numbers".
Q3. What is the difference between an EIN and FEIN?
A3. FEIN is the same as EIN. The “F” stands for federal.
Q4. Where do I get my Colorado wage withholding account number?
A4. The Colorado Department of Revenue issues wage withholding account numbers.
Q5. Where can I find information about taxes or tax exemption?
A5. The Secretary of State's office is not involved in either state or federal tax issues. Contact the Internal Revenue Service for federal tax information, or the Colorado Department of Revenue for state tax information.