Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Frequently Asked Questions

Changes and updates

Q1. Can a supplier change information in its account?

A1. Yes, a supplier will be able to change any of the following information for its current license:

  • Person or entity name
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip or postal code
  • Province
  • Country
  • Local business phone number
  • Email address

Q2. How does a supplier change information in its account?

A2. Log in to your account. Then click “Edit profile.”

If the supplier changes its name, it will be required to upload a new notarized affidavit. Our office must review and approve name changes before the change can take effect. Once approved, a name change will be reflected on licenses printed after the effective date.

Changes other than name changes will take effect when submitted.

If a supplier changes any part of the address, the supplier will be required to affirm that it still maintains geographic eligibility, i.e., has a physical location 100 miles within at least one Colorado Medicare beneficiary that the supplier serves.

A supplier must ensure that it keeps its email address current.

Q3. What if a supplier has a change in ownership or structure?

A3. We do not require formal notice of change of ownership or restructuring.  If the contact information for the supplier has changed due to a change of ownership or restructuring, the supplier may Log in to its account. Then click “Edit profile.”

If a change of ownership results in a new Federal Tax ID number, the supplier will be considered a new entity and should apply for a new DME license.

Q4. What if a supplier decides it no longer wants to be licensed in Colorado?

A4. A license is effective for one year. The supplier can let its license expire.