eFiling Instructions

Colorado Register publishing calendar

Terminate a rulemaking

  1. Log in to the Secretary of State's eFiling system.
  2. From the Agency Rulemaking Home page, click "Terminate a rulemaking".
  3. Choose the tracking number you want to terminate from the dropdown list.
  4. Click "Continue".
  5. Review the tracking details page to make sure it's the correct rulemaking.
  6. Click "Continue".
  7. Enter a reason for terminating the rulemaking in the "Reason for termination" box.  The information entered will be visible to the public.
  8. "Click "Submit".
  9. Save or print the confirmation screen and keep it as proof of your filing. If a confirmation page does not appear, your filing is not complete. You can resubmit the filing, or call our office if you need help.
  10. Once a rulemaking is terminated, there should be no additional filing activity for that tracking number.

Termination filings are published in the Colorado Register and are viewable by the public in the eDocket.