Colorado Register publishing calendar
Additional permanent rule filing
Request an Attorney General opinion
This option is used for filing permanent rules in cases when a portion of the rules discussed at a hearing was adopted and filed, and then additional rules discussed at the same hearing are adopted and must be filed.
Before filing your AGO Request, create a file that contains a clean copy of your adopted/amended rules. The file can be saved as a Rich Text File (.rtf) or a Word document (.docx) or (.doc). It is recommended that you also provide a redline copy of your adopted/amended rules, which can be a .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .pdf file.
Attach your adoption notice in the "Emergency Justification" field and reference the original hearing date and tracking number on which the notice was filed.
- Log in to the Secretary of State’s eFiling system.
- Click on "Permanent rule filings".
- Click on "Request an AG opinion" under Permanent rule Step 2.
- Enter your tracking number and click "Next".
- Information that you entered on your Notice will automatically be filled in, including the type of filing, CCR number, CCR title, and hearing date.
- Enter the adopting agency if it is different from the agency listed at the top of the form. This field will be displayed on your Attorney General Opinion.
- Enter the adopted date of the rule in MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Enter a brief description of the purpose or objective of the rule. This field is limited to 2000 characters.
If you wish to provide a longer description, enter "See attached Statement of Basis and Purpose" in this field and attach a document in the designated field. See step #18. - Select "Yes" or "No" regarding whether your rule was submitted in response to issues raised by the Committee on Legal Services or the Office of Legislative Legal Services staff.
- Select "Yes" or "No" regarding whether your rule was adopted in response to recent legislation. If yes, provide the bill number.
- Make changes to the statutory authority, if needed. Include both the general statutory authority for adopting rules and the specific statutory provisions (if any) that the rule interprets or refines.
- If the rule is required or allowed by federal law, rule, or order, enter the citation for the applicable federal provision(s).
- Make changes to the Comments field, if necessary. This field is viewable by the public.
- Update the contact information as needed.
- Click “Next”.
- The “Upload files” track will step you through the process of adding attachments.
- Attach a file containing a clean copy of your adopted/amended rules.
The adopted Rules file must be saved as .docx, .doc or .rtf.
All other attachments may be .docx, .doc, .rtf, or.pdf files.
Remember: The file(s) attached as adopted rules constitute your legal rule filing and will be reviewed by the Office of Legislative Legal Services. Any discrepancies between the adopted rules and the redline will be decided in favor of the adopted Rules document.
Browse to select the file from your internal folder, then click “Upload file” to attach. The maximum number of adopted rules attachments allowed is 10. - Attach your statement of basis and purpose document if it is not included in the text of the rule.
- Next, attach a regulatory analysis, if appropriate.
- Attach a redline version of your adopted/amended rules.
- On the “Review and submit’ page, check for accuracy. You may open attachments here and review.
- Click “Submit” to file the request for an AG Opinion.
Save or print the confirmation screen and keep it as proof of your filing. If a confirmation page does not appear, your filing is not complete. You can resubmit the filing, or call our office if you need help.
Update a request for an Attorney General opinion (optional)
You can update the AG opinion request before the AG files the opinion.
- Log in to the Secretary of State’s eFiling system.
- Click on "Permanent rule filings".
- Click on “Update a request” under Permanent rule Step 2.
- Enter your tracking number and click “Next”.
- Follow instructions 6 through 22 above to resubmit the rule for an AG opinion.
- Make sure the confirmation page contains all of your updates.
- Click “Submit”. The system will send a new email message to the AG’s office.
- Save or print the confirmation screen and keep it as proof of your filing. If a confirmation page does not appear, your filing is not complete. You can resubmit the filing, or call our office if you need help.
File an additional permanent rule with the SOS and OLLS
Submit this final step after you receive email notification that the Attorney General opinion has been filed. If the 20th day from the adopted date falls on a weekend or official holiday, the Secretary of State’s eFiling system will accept the AG opinion and your final filing on the next business day.
- Log in to the Secretary of State’s eFiling system.
- Click on "File with SOS and OLLS" under Additional permanent rule filings Step 2.
- Enter the tracking number and click "Go".
- All information is automatically filled in.
- You can view all of the attached files by clicking on the file names. You can view the Attorney General Opinion by clicking on the date.
- Enter the effective date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
The effective date must be 20 days or later after publication in the Colorado Register.
- Click on "Submit".
- Save or print the confirmation screen and keep it as proof of your filing. If a confirmation page does not appear, your filing is not complete. You can resubmit the filing, or call our office if you need help.